Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday the 13th

Okay, so I missed the last few months of last year, but school was super hell busy. But I had to at least blog on Friday the 13th. Partly because I had a rather odd morning.

I woke up at 5:30am, and taught my 8am and 9am classes (this was the first week back after winter break, btw). After class, I met Eva, a film student, completely at random, and proceeded to randomly have a quite interesting 20 minute conversation with her. After meeting Eva, I started walking back to English Dept. office, only to be stopped by a gentleman whom I thought was going to ask me for change. As I prepared my "No, I'm sorry," face, he instead asked, "Do you have any children who need to learn the alphabet?" Taken aback, I replied, "No." So he asked, "Do you have any brothers or sisters who have children who need to learn the alphabet?" Again, I looked at him, bemused, and replied, "No." He smiled and said, "Okay, I was just wondering," and then went on his merry way.

After I finished running errands around campus, I made my way towards my MARTA stop to catch the train back to my apartment. At the intersection before the station, I was waiting for the light to change to cross the street. On the other side of the street stood an impatient man, who rapidly walked/run in front of the oncoming cars to my side of the street, where I, not so bold with my enormous wheeled backpack, stood waiting for the WALK signal. Upon reaching me, the man stopped and looked at me and said, "I like to live dangerously. That's just how I am." And before I could say anything, he continued walking down the sidewalk.

So because of the oddness of my day, I am engaging in an odd activity--at least for me. I am cooking. Yes, cooking. Clam chowder, of all things. And hopefully I'll stop being the lamest blogger in the world, and will remember to post again, and let you know how it turned out.