Monday, October 16, 2006

Things I have done since my last post.

Gotten all kinds of enamoured.
Helped my enamouree move to the building next to me.
Placed an empty bottle of Guinness on the roof of a strip mall.
Heard the following comment from a student: "I was going to study for my speech test tomorrow, but then I was like, I talk."
Began a thematic project on Chaucer's Knight's Tale, which will read the Tale from a psychoanalytic/queer perspective in order to reformulate the ego formation triangle.
Graded some papers.
Climbed on discarded furniture.
Kicked two kegs of Guinness in a week at the Sidebar (with the aid of the enamouree, whose name, by the way, is Jeff).
Met Lee Edelman, and got him to autograph his book No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive.
Went to a Sherlock Holmes themed party that was fabulous.
Attended Melanie and Paula (and Govind's!) birthday party, where there was furniture in the yard (and pink flamingoes).
Watched Jeff stand on his dry erase board, proclaiming "I have never done this before!"
Been acosted (with Jeff) by a man throwing trash cans and a man who declared that we hated Jesus.
Bought some really good CDs.
Drank lots of coffee.
Dreamed about arguing about binaries.
Ran (running still in progress) for GEA Treasurer.
Mourned the death of my computer's ethernet port due to a storm (and am still waiting to get my computer back).
Coveted the new iPod shuffle (the really really tiny one).
Gave a presentation on Henry Abelove's Deep Gossip.
Chaired a session of the New Voices Conference (and was also a committee member).
Went to Maggie's (my former downstairs neighbor) wedding.
Read a lot of Greek Rhetoric, Queer Theory, and Chaucer.
Went dancing with Jeff, who is a really good dancer.
Smoked a few cigarettes.
Obsessively used the word "interpellate."
Bought some books.
Been visited by Thaddeus.
Bought a new watch.
Participated in various other sondry things which I cannot remember right now.
Knit nothing.
Became sleep deprived.


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