John Galt goes to college
I have almost finished my first paper, and I've already have my presentation for it, and it apparently conference ready--HOORAY!! Plus, my prof tells me that I could probably turn it into a book or use it to start my dissertation!! I'm very very excited about this. =)
In other news, my OTHER paper is just getting started, because I randomly switched topics a few days ago. I like my new topic better. And in my academic paranoia, it is entirely likely that I will not tell you what that paper is about either.
Ha ha.
So, the semester is almost over--today is my last full day of class, and on Monday I take up my students portfolios, and on Wednesday all my papers are due. After which I will celebrate by going to see They Might be Giants, and then flying to Richmond on Saturday for my dad's birthday.
Incidentally, has anyone else heard about the Atlas Shrugged movie being back in the works (again)? And possibly starring Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt? (As someone else put it: who better to star in the Atlas Shrugged movie than a couple whose names have been melded together?)
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